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PSSR Exit Exam: Set 1

PSSR Exit Exam MCQ’s

Question 1: How can information regarding a sick person or injured person be disseminated to the CIRM?

Question 2: Loose gear should be lashed in front of the freezing ports so it will not roll about the decks.

Question 3: If you saw wisps of smoke coming out under the engine room door, you immediately:

Question 4: Life jacket should be marked with the:

Question 5: What is the life-saving signal at day for “you are seen-assistance will be given as soon as possible”?

Question 6: The receiver misunderstands the sender’s message and:

Question 7: Empathetic listening helps you to:

Question 8: The problem of misunderstanding can be eliminated by providing ____ to the clients while explaining the process.

Question 9: Name two officers who liaise with each other to try out the steering gear:

Question 10: Speech rate is usually much ____ than the rate at which we think.

Question 11: In the verbal communication process, the direct exchange of ____ occurs between the sender and the receiver.

Question 12: What is discrimination?

Question 13: What governs safe procedures at work?

Question 14: How do you combat harassment?

Question 15: What is the key to leadership?

Question 16: “Human elements” in a ship means:

Question 17: The windlass is located at:

Question 18: Displacement refers to the:

Question 19: What term indicates an inward curvature of the ship’s hull above the waterline?

Question 20: Compared to oil tankers, chemical tankers are:

Question 21: In the concept of ship handling, what would be the definition of shallow water?

Question 22: Which engineering staff is in charge of engine room maintenance?

Question 23: Physical stress:

Question 24: Self-induced stress is mainly due to:

Question 25: Balancing life goals, taking control of thoughts and emotions, and managing schedules are all components of:

Question 26: One of the most important factors determining the success of an organization is:

Question 27: In order to comply with safety policies and procedures, the ship’s crew and officers must:

Question 28: Direct blood contact can occur through all except:

Question 29: When fuel oil is being topped off during bunkering operations, the tank valve should be closed:

Question 30: Oil pollution regulations require any transfer or discharge of oil or oily mixtures to be recorded in the:

More Questions for practice:

Question No. 1: Which one of the following organs of IMO consists of all member states? Answer: Assembly

Question No. 2: The parent instrument for the mandatory ISM code? Answer: solas chapter 9

Question No. 3: What are solas and FSS code general requirement for fire deduction and alarms and share Audible and visual alarm to initiate in Bridge and CCR cargo control room?

Question No. 4: Damage suffered by a passenger in vessel? Answer: Athens convention

Question No. 5: An emergency station list should be displayed on any vessel with more than? Answer: four crew members

Question No. 6: General emergency on board could be? Answer: A fire explosion, B flooding, C main engine failure

Question No. 7: The contingency plans should identify various types of emergency which may arise on a particular ship and may include? Answer: A location of Duties and responsibility, B action to be taken to regain control of a situation, C communication methods within and outside ship

Question No. 8: Deals must be held within dash of sailing if more than 25 percent of the crew is changed at the last port? Answer: 24 hours

Question No. 9: On board familiarization is conducted? Answer: within 24 hours of joining

Question No. 10: As per Solas 2 decimal 2 as soon as but not later than two weeks after joining the ship crew members to be trained in LSA and ffe appliances? Answer: True

Question No. 11: Live boys are subject to which of the following tests? Answer: A drop test, B fire test, C flotation test

Question No. 12: Correct use of life-saving appliances should be demonstrated to crew as soon as possible but not later than? Answer: two weeks

Question No. 13: A continuous ringing of ships Bell indicates? Answer: a fire emergency

Question No. 14: General emergence is continuous ringing of the Bell? Answer: False

Question No. 15: General emergency alarm is? Answer: seven or more short blasts followed by one or more long blast on the horn

Question No. 16: What is the international signal for man or board? Answer: three long blast on the whistle

Question No. 17: What should you do first if you see a man fall overboard? Answer: release the nearest live boy on the side he has fallen side

Question No. 18: Which of the following is the Man Overboard maneuver? Answer: Sir Williamson’s turn

Question No. 19: Instruction for onboard maintenance of life-saving Appliance shall be understood and Illustrated whenever possible which are the following items do not necessarily have to be included in the instructions according to prevent regulations? Answer: checklist for periodic inspections

Question No. 20: The international distress safety and calling frequency is Channel? Answer: 16

Question No. 21: Death Shall be launched and operated on the water on at least once in three months?Answer: both live boat and rescue board

Question No. 22: Safety committee meeting is held on board and sir every? Answer: month

Question No. 23: Dumping of waste at Sea is controlled by which of the following IMO conventions? Answer:Marpol 7378

Question No. 24: As per Mark pole Annex one definition special area means? Answer: areas as defined by an X1 where special mandatory methods are adapted for the present next one is dealing with prevention of oil pollution

Question No. 25: As per the definition of more pole nx1 a combination carrier combination carrier means a ship designed to carry? Answer: either oil or solid Cargoes in bulk

Question No. 26: Marple and X2 regulation for control of pollution deals with? Answer: noxious liquid substance in bulk

Question No. 27: What does an X3 of North Pole 7378 deal with? Answer: harmful substances in packaged form

Question No. 28: Nx4 of mouthful deals with sewage how does it affect shipboard operation concerning processing and treatment of sewage? Answer: the regulations are not yet inversely in force but a number of countries have adopted them and have stringent regulations

Question No. 29: As per Marple requirements every crude oil tanker of Dash turns dead weight and above delivered after 1st June 1982 shall be fitted with a cargo tank cleaning system using? Answer: twenty thousand tense deadweight using crude oil washing cow

Question No. 30: Which of the following is not a part of the ship’s safety management system? Answer: Oil record book

Question No. 31: The stability information booklet provides guidance on? Answer: stability calculations

Question No. 32: The muster list contains details of? Answer: emergency duties and responsibilities

Question No. 33: The emergency station list should be displayed in? Answer: a prominent place

Question No. 34: The fire emergency signal is given by? Answer: five short blasts followed by one long blast on the bell

Question No. 35: A book for maintaining complete records of garbage records to ship Shore? Answer:garbage record book

Question No. 36: Disposal of used expired chemical container should be done by? Answer: disposal as per makers instruction

Question No. 37: The designated s e c a in Brackets socks emission control areas sulfur oxide emission control areas? Answer: A Baltic Sea area, B North Sea area and English Channel

Question No. 38: As per the new regulation gate bar one decimal 2 s t z w administrations must establish preventing alcohol abuse a limit is set not exceeding? Answer: 0.05 percent blood alcohol content BAC

Question No. 39: Permit to work system is necessary for? Answer: A for ensuring safety of personal, B for ensuring quality of work

Question No. 40: What permits are required for doing welding on a hydraulic pipeline in a freshwater tank?Answer: A permit to work on pressurized systems, C enclosed space entry permit

Question No. 41: Work activities that require permit to work? Answer: A working aloft, B working on electrical circuits high voltage, C working outboard over side

Question No. 42: What is the maximum validity of a permit to work? Answer: 12 hours

Question No. 43: Following Personnel shall not be allowed to carry out afloat work? Answer: A overweight, B a person with handicapped, C a person who is tired not rested

Question No. 44: Water tight sliding steel doors used below water line must close in 45 seconds or less when ship is in upright condition? Answer: False

Question No. 45: Continuous working in enclosed space require? Answer: 21 oxygen

Question No. 46: What kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes into white spaces? Answer:breathing apparatus mandatory sign

Question No. 47: Confirm that all Gastite doors and access hatches are kept open before sailing and make sure that they are kept open throughout the voice and? Answer: False

Question No. 48: The first aid kit should be readily accessible and should contain? Answer: a variety of medical supplies

Question No. 49: If a crew member is injured while working, the master should? Answer: report the incident to the relevant authorities

Question No. 50: The safety committee is responsible for? Answer: investigating accidents and incidents

Question No. 51: The emergency position indicating radio beacon EPIRB is used for? Answer: sending out a distress signal

Question No. 52: The lifeboat should be launched and tested at least? Answer: once a month

Question No. 53: The fire extinguishers should be inspected and tested? Answer: annually

Question No. 54: The muster list should be practiced? Answer: monthly

Question No. 55: The oil record book is used to record? Answer: all oil discharges from the ship

Question No. 56: The garbage record book is used to record? Answer: all garbage discharges from the ship

Question No. 57: The noxious liquid substances record book is used to record? Answer: all noxious liquid substances discharges from the ship

Question No. 58: The ship’s security plan is used to? Answer: protect the ship from terrorist attacks

Question No. 59: The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) requires ships to have a?Answer: security officer

Question No. 60: The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is the? Answer: United Nations agency responsible for maritime safety and security

Here are the questions along with the answers:

  1. How can information regarding a sick person or injured person be disseminated to the CIRM? a. By using the appropriate reporting form
    b. By contacting the family doctor of the sick persons
    c. By passing on medical examination report from the company
    d. None of the above Answer: a. By using the appropriate reporting form
  2. Loose gear should be lashed in front of the freezing ports so it will not roll about the decks. a. True
    b. False Answer: a. True
  3. If you saw wisps of smoke coming keeping out under the engine room door, you immediately: a. Raise the alarm
    b. Activate the fixed fire fighting system
    c. Shut off the main fuel supply
    d. Close the air vents Answer: a. Raise the alarm
  4. Life jacket should be marked with the: a. Maximum weight allowed
    b. Stowage space assigned
    c. Vessel’s home port
    d. Vessel’s name Answer: d. Vessel’s name
  5. What is the life-saving signal at day for “you are seen-assistance will be given as soon as possible”? a. Green star rocket
    b. Red star rocket
    c. Orange smoke signal
    d. Horizontal motion of a flag
  6. Answer: d. Horizontal motion of a flag
  7. The receiver misunderstands the sender’s message and: a. This could lead to effective communication
    b. This could lead to a barrier to effective communication
    c. This could lead to wonderful communication Answer: b. This could lead to a barrier to effective communication
  8. Empathetic listening helps you to: a. Improve mutual understanding and trust
    b. Improve mutual understanding
    c. Improve mutual understanding and feeling
    d. Improve trust and friendship Answer: a. Improve mutual understanding and trust
  9. The problem of misunderstanding can be eliminated by providing __ to the clients while explaining the process. a. Examples
    b. Theories
    c. Sample Answer: a. Examples
  10. Name two officers who liaise with each other to try out the steering gear: a. Chief engineer and chief officer
    b. Second engineer and second officer
    c. Third engineer and third officer Answer: b. Second engineer and second officer
  11. Speech rate is usually much __ than the rate at which we think. a. Tedious
    b. Slower
    c. Faster Answer: c. Faster
  12. In the verbal communication process, the direct exchange of __ occurs between the sender and the receiver. a. Mails
    b. Words
    c. Gestures Answer: b. Words
  13. What is discrimination? a. Making false statements about others
    b. Making judgments or statements based upon comparison
    c. Judging people discriminately
    d. Making hateful content Answer: b. Making judgments or statements based upon comparison
  14. What governs safe procedures at work? a. The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping (STCW)
    b. International Safety Management (ISM) Code
    c. Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
    d. The Code of Safe Working Practices Answer: b. International Safety Management (ISM) Code
  15. How do you combat harassment? a. By being assertive
    b. By reporting harassing behavior to your superiors
    c. By confronting the harasser Answer: b. By reporting harassing behavior to your superiors
  16. What is the key to leadership? a. Taking authority
    b. Taking responsibility
    c. Effective communication Answer: c. Effective communication
  17. “Human elements” in a ship means: a. Human behavior
    b. Human relationship
    c. Human interaction
    d. Human error Answer: d. Human error
  18. The windlass is located at: a. The stern of the ship
    b. The forecastle of the ship
    c. Amidships
    d. The engine room Answer: b. The forecastle of the ship
  19. Displacement refers to the: a. Cubic capacity of a vessel
    b. Deadweight carrying capacity of a vessel
    c. Gross tonnage of a vessel
    d. Number of long tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat Answer: d. Number of long tons of water displaced by a vessel afloat
  20. What term indicates an inward curvature of the ship’s hull above the waterline? a. Camber
    b. Tumblehome
    c. Deadrise
    d. Flare Answer: b. Tumblehome
  21. Compared to oil tankers, chemical tankers are: a. More complex to operate
    b. Less complex to operate
    c. As large as oil tankers
    d. Capable of carrying only one grade of chemical Answer: a. More complex to operate
  22. In the concept of ship handling, what would be the definition of shallow water? a. Water depth of less than twice a vessel’s draft
    b. Water depth of less than 1-1/2 times a vessel’s draft
    c. Under keel clearance of twice a vessel’s draft
    d. Under keel clearance of less than 10 feet Answer: b. Water depth of less than 1-1/2 times a vessel’s draft
  23. Which engineering staff is in charge of engine room maintenance? a. 2nd engineer
    b. Chief engineer
    c. 3rd engineer
    d. Master Answer: a. 2nd engineer
  24. Physical stress: a. Rarely causes emotional stress
    b. Is often a symptom of emotional stress
    c. Rarely is connected to diet
    d. Is often found in people who exercise regularly Answer: b. Is often a symptom of emotional stress
  25. Self-induced stress is mainly due to: a. Family
    b. Personality
    c. Economy
    d. Health Answer: b. Personality
  26. Balancing life goals, taking control of thoughts and emotions, and managing schedules are all components of: a. Identifying sources of stress
    b. Being practical
    c. Taking control
    d. Coping with stress Answer: c. Taking control
  27. One of the most important factors determining the success of an organization is: a. Effective management
    b. Continuous and positive profits
    c. Performance of its employees
    d. Methods to combat internal personnel stress Answer: c. Performance of its employees
  28. In order to comply with safety policies and procedures, the ship’s crew and officers must: a. Minimize the use of alcohol
    b. Focus on delivering the ship and cargo at all costs
    c. Stop unsafe practices which may cause accidents, injury, or environmental pollution Answer: c. Stop unsafe practices which may cause accidents, injury, or environmental pollution
  29. Direct blood contact can occur through all except: a. Needle sharing
    b. Transfusion
    c. Sharing of beds
    d. Accident in healthcare settings Answer: c. Sharing of beds
  30. When fuel oil is being topped off during bunkering operations, the tank valve should be closed: a. Slowly to prevent surge stresses
    b. To prevent gas from escaping through the pressure-vacuum relief valves
    c. After the shore pumps are stopped
    d. Rapidly to prevent overflow Answer: a. Slowly to prevent surge stresses
  31. Oil pollution regulations require any transfer or discharge of oil or oily mixtures to be recorded in the: a. Pollution control record
    b. Bridge log
    c. Oil record book
    d. Master’s log Answer: c. Oil record book

Azlan Ahmad Salmani
Azlan Ahmad Salmani
Marine Engineer | Fleet Management Ltd | MERI Mumbai

PSSR Exit Exam: Set 3


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