Azlan Ahmad Salmani

Marine Engineer | Fleet Management Ltd | MERI Mumbai

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Safety Devices in Marine Air Compressors

Overview Marine air compressors are equipped with several safety devices...

Common Questions that a Marine Engineer should know

How to Check if an Auxiliary Engine Rocker Arm...

Marine Turbocharger Construction

Turbocharger Construction and Design for Marine Engines 1. Turbocharger Construction...


1. Common Problems in Main Engine Exhaust Valves 1.1. Common...

Purpose of Gravity Disc in Purifier and How to select Size of Gravity Disc?

Gravity Disk in Purifier alters the location of the oil-water interface and is responsible for creating an interface between the oil and water. And further,...

What is the Function of Inducer in Turbocharger?

The inducer in the turbocharger is the smaller part of the compressor wheel that sucks ambient filtered air parallel with the driven shaft compresses it...

What is Starting Air Overlap? Why is it provided?

Overlap is a period when two (or more) cylinders are receiving the starting Air simultaneously where one cylinder is "phasing out" and the other...

Marine Fuel Oil Centrifugal Purifier on Ship | Centrifuge

Marine Fuel Oil Purifier is one the most important Auxiliary machinery on board a ship. It is also known as a centrifugal purifier or...

The Potential Of Inland Waterways of India

What is Inland waterways? Inland waterway is a network in the form of rivers, canals, backwaters and creeks that can be used for transportation in place...

What are the reasons for adopting a Water Tube boiler instead of a Smoke Tube boiler?

The reasons for adopting a water-tube boiler instead of a smoke tube are as follows :
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